News and Events

COP 16 enacts Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities’ Role in Biodiversity Conservation

A historic decision, institutionalizing the role of Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) in biodiversity conservation marked the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Cali, Colombia. This milestone not only honors indigenous traditional knowledge and practices but also promotes a more inclusive approach to safeguarding the planet’s ecosystems. For decades, IPLCs have been custodians of biodiversity, managing vast ecosystems and...

The Indigenous Peoples’ Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan (IPBSAP)

OVERVIEW The IPBSAP is a collective commitment by the Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines about their roles, traditional knowledge, values, rights, and interrelationships with their territories and biodiversity. It contains an overview of the status of biodiversity in Indigenous peoples’ territories in the Philippines, their worldview on nature and culture, a summary of the relevant policy, governance, and financing landscape, an Action Plan in line with the 23 Targets of the Global...

Closing Statement of IIFB (International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity) to the 16th Meeting of the Conference of Parties of the UN CBD (Convention on Biodiversity), in Cali, Colombia

AGENDA ITEM: Closing Statement DATE: 02 NOVEMBER, 2024 Statement on behalf of the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB) delivered by Camilo Nino of the Comisión Nacional de Territorios Indígenas (CNTI) Thank you Madam Chair, I am speaking on behalf of the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB). Regarding the resources mobilization this COP 16 highlights the importance of any financial mechanism for biodiversity, existing or new, needs continuous reflection and...