The Centers of Distinction on Indigenous and Local Knowledge (COD-ILK) came together in 2016 as a global network for the purpose of renewing and promoting traditional knowledge, wisdom and practices as central solutions to contemporary social and ecological crises. Composed of organizations with long histories of engagement with United Nations processes for the recognition of indigenous peoples’ rights, we seized the opportunity with the newly established Inter-governmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) to strengthen the vital place of Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) in this global knowledge-policy platform. We are diverse centers committed to nourishing traditional cultures, knowledge, and values in different regions of the world. Each center has its own distinct activities and strengths and by coming together, we could support each other towards strengthening indigenous and local knowledge holders and experts in their place-based and context-specific work.

What We Are Doing

In addition to actively contributing to knowledge-policy platforms at multiple scales, the following functions were identified as strategic and urgently needed programs within our network and communities:

  • - Inter-generational transmission of knowledge
  • - Participatory action research on priority issues identified by communities
  • - Cultural Exchanges as deep reservoirs of mutual learning amongst ourselves
  • - Communication, education and public awareness activities on Indigenous and Local Knowledge